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The Most Recommended Cliff Jumping Spot in Bali

The Most Recommended Cliff Jumping Spot in Bali

Kroya Waterfall Jump - Aside from its Wonderful Beaches, Bali Island still has many stunning and fabulous paradises that you should visit, such as a few Waterfalls in North Bali. One of the most recommended is Kroya Waterfall in Sambangan Village, Buleleng Regency.

Waterfall Cliff Jumping Bali
Waterfall Cliff Jumping Bali

That waterfall maybe you haven’t ever heard! However, it is increasingly in demand for its soothing natural view Point that be offered.

However, which make this waterfall make more popular is cliff jumping point. You can try a few jumps from 5 meters cliff. It really give challenging sensation when starting to jump off the ledge into natural pool with cool water.

Meanwhile, natural slide is also available here. It’s formed from rock naturally and has a height approximately 12 meters. Although its water flow is rather heavy but it’s truly safe to get much fun of sliding.

Waterfall North Bali Jumping Tour
Waterfall North Bali Jumping Tour

Not only that, natural scenery around point will also spoil your eyes during enjoying activity. In order not to lose much those fun moments, you should remember to bring a waterproof camera to take all images.

Read also: Jumping Off Kembar Waterfall in Secret North Bali

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Tag : Secret Garden and Waterfall Jump Bali Waterfall Cliff Jumping Bali Waterfall North Bali Jumping Tour

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