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cheap canyoning bali

ALING GORGE BALI Experience type: Canyoning Category: Adventure Canyon Level: explorer/adventurous/aquatic Duration: 5 hrs For who: those who like to feel the spirit of nature, thrill-seeking Short description: a magical canyon, with its steep & deep gorge, Aling is one of Bali’s most bea..

Aling Gorge

1. Aling Gorge

ALING GORGE BALI Experience type: Canyoning Category: Adventure Canyon Level: explorer/adventurous/aquatic Duration: 5 hrs For who: those who like to...

Anahata Canyon

2. Anahata Canyon

ANAHATA CANYON Experience type: Canyoning Category: Adventure Canyon Level: explorer/adventurous/technical Duration: 5 hrs For who: adrenaline & ...

Shakti Mudah Canyon

3. Shakti Mudah Canyon

SHAKTI MUDAH CANYON Experience type: Canyoning Category: Most Wanted Level: discovery/beginner Duration: 2-2.5 hrs For who: local & Asian market,...

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